Beijing Shengdisen Science & Trading Co., Ltd.

The phone:
010-65126723 / 65126724
Sellers Textile Engineers Ltd.

Sellers Textile Engineers Ltd. are qualified in the design and manufacture of finishing machinery for the carpet industry and have hundreds of leading references around the market.  Virtually every major carpet manufacturer throughout the utilizes a Sellers’ machine in one form or another.  This has been achieved through the dedication of their loyal, hardworking employees and a desire to achieve the high standards laid down through the 100 years of trading.

to the end ~

Beijing Shengdisen Science & Trading Co., Ltd.
Contact us
Email :
Phone :    0086-10-65126723 / 65126724
Add.:    Room 912, Beijing InterChina Commercial Building,
                 No. 33 Deng-Shi-Kou Street, East District,
                 Beijing 100006, China